
슈퍼링스(Super Lynx) 1

호랑이277 2011. 8. 11. 17:31




슈퍼링스(Super Lynx) 또는 단순히 링스(Lynx)는 영국 웨스트랜드 헬리콥터스(Westland Helicopters)사에서 제작한 헬리콥터이다. 예오빌(Yeovil)에 위치한 공장에서 생산된다. 원래는 민간용과 해군용의 유틸리티 헬기로 고안되었다. 군사적인 요청에 의해 전장용과 해군용의 변형기종이 개발되었고, 1977년에 실전배치에 들어가 10여개 국가에서 주로 유틸리티, 탐색구조, 대잠전 용도로 사용되고 있다. 현재는 이탈리아 기업인 아구스타웨스트랜드 사에 의해 생산과 판매가 이루어지고 있다.


[출처: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%8A%88%ED%8D%BC%EB%A7%81%EC%8A%A4]




제원 (대한민국 해군 보유 슈퍼링스)


  • 승무원: 조종사 2명과 동체에 2명
  • 길이: 11.92m
  • 높이: 3.2m
  • 로터 직경: 12.8m
  • 최대 속도: 232km/h (144mph)
  • 순항 거리: 1,046km (650 miles) 외부 연료탱크 장착시
  • 엔진: 2 x Rolls Royce Gem Mk 42 turboshafts
  • 최대이륙중량: 4,876kg (10,750lbs)
  • 무장:
    • 2 x 어뢰 (사정거리 10km) 또는
    • 4x Sea Skua 미사일 (사정거리 20km) 또는
    • 2 x depth charges

어뢰와 smoke marker를 탑재하고서, 60마일까지 잠수함 탐색을 하며, 2시간 동안 탐색 장소 위에서 체류하고서 귀환할 수 있다.





Lynx in the Royal Danish Navy


In Denmark, the Danish Naval Air Squadron currently operates 8 Westland SuperLynx Mk.90B (upgraded from Mk.23, Mk.80 & Mk.90) helicopters: S-134, S-142, S-170, S-175, S-181, S-191, S-249 & S-256. Helicopters S-035, S-187 and S-196 are decommisioned.


S-170: Royal Danish Navy - Westland Lynx. Karup Air Force Base, Denmark. 2005. /PAJ


S-142: 12,7mm-HMG-mounted Danish navy Westland Lynx on a heli-pad


S-170: Danish navy Westland Lynx landing on a Thetis-class patrol vessel.


S-134: Danish navy helicopter (Westland Lynx) with a rescue swimmer, ready for insertion


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx landing in the rain. Karup Air Force Base, 200


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx


S-181: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx


S-191: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx. Århus harbour, Jutland, Denmark 2003.


S-191: Royal Danish Navy Westland Lynx. Århus harbour, Jutland, Denmark 2003.


S-240: Lynx in Greenland, Summer 2008


            S-249: Danish navy Westland Lynx hoisting personel


          S-249: Royal Danish Navy Lynx preparing a hoist-operation.


S-249: Royal Danish Navy Lynx preparing a hoist-operation.


S-256: Danish navy helicopter (Westland Lynx) doing Helicopter In-Flight Refueling (HIFR) from a Thetis-class vessel


Royal Danish Navy Lynx parked at the helo-deck on a danish navy Thetis-class


Danish navy helicopter (Westland Lynx) conducting sling cargo lift


westland Lynx Danish Marine




Lynx in French navy


In France the French navy operates HAS.2(FN) and HAS.4(FN) versions.


 FOunded on the 9th of Septembre 1974, the 34F wing is 30 years old. The "Molina", aces of the brush, have goergiously decorated a Lynx helicopter with a dragon, symbol of the squadron. Here, flying over Brest harbour (14th of July 2004)


 A Lynx helicopter taking off from the Ouragan (20th of Novembre 2002).

 2nd of Decembre 1999: Soon after crossing the Suez canal, replacment of a turbine on one of the two helicopters Lynx of the Motte-Picquet.


 A Lynx helicopter of the 31F wing (May 2000)


 14th of Decembre 1999: ensigns Sabourault and Letellier from the French Navy (Marine Nationale) frigate La Motte-Picquet (D 645) flying over Musha and Mascali islands.


 Presentation of a Lynx WG13 helicopter armed with a Mk46 torpedo at the Euronaval event.


A Westland WG-13 Lynx "Molock" of french Aéronavale decking on the anti-submarine frigate Latouche-Tréville (D646)


Westland Lynx Flotille 34F